4 green flags in dating
Recognizing healthy and positive signs in people - green flags - is crucial in forming healthy relationships. By being aware of these positive traits early on, you can more easily move towards people who exhibit good qualities and increase the likelihood of a fulfilling and mutually beneficial relationship.
1. Active listening
It's a good sign when you feel heard by your date. You get space to talk and share feelings and experiences. This creates deeper emotional connection.
Signs can be
- They ask questions about what you are talking about.
- They make an effort to understand your perspective.
- They are curious to get to know your inner world.
2. Clear expectations
When your date is clear about what they're looking for from the start, it's a positive sign that they value and respect your needs and desires in the relationship. By being upfront and honest about their intentions, they demonstrate a level of emotional maturity and a willingness to communicate openly.
Signs can be
- You already know before you meet what intentions your date has with their dating profile or you dating.
- Where the relationship is headed is not something they avoid or are afraid to talk about.
- They play no games when it comes to emotions.
3. Feelings are okay
When someone is able to recognize and express their feelings in various situations, it creates a safe and open space for communication. This not only allows for a deeper level of understanding between both parties, but also gives you the confidence to express your own needs and feelings.
Signs can be
- Their respond to “How are you?” is often longer than just "Good".
- They don't dismiss conversations about feelings.
- They are empathetic and care about your feelings too.
4. Thoughtfulness
Your date has your feelings in mind and makes an effort to make you feel good. Nor does their behavior change depending on whether you go home together or not.
Signs can be
- They also treat others well – such as friends, family or strangers.
- You feel safe and cared for when you hang out.
- They are consistent in being a good person.